

October 12 is Dia de las Culturas in many of Latin American countries - Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile and some others. And in Spain.

Here we also have Day of Russia - June 12.

It is interesting how these day is celebtrated in these countires, what the people's attitude to it is, if it is the same day as we have in Russia.

Here is what I read about This Day in Costa Rica in www.amcostarica.com (Oct 12 '07):

"In Costa Rica, the holiday has been renamed the day of the cultures to honor all the groups that make up the Tico population."

3 комментария:

Susana Canelo комментирует...

In Argentina is celebrated like Día de la Raza.It's a very controversial celebration,because we remember the arrival of Colon and Spanish people to America in 1492. Some people think that it was very cruel because Indians were killed by hundreds and their culture was crushed in many ways. But on the other hand,our language,religion and believes come from Spain.
A few Indians still live here. In Argentina ,Tobas are in danger of extintion.We can't blame Spanish people now!!! Our authorities don't do anything about that.
In our school , our students are making a project to help them

Barbara комментирует...

I wrote something about 12th October in my blog. You can read it and leave a comment.

Erika Cruvinel комментирует...

Hello Lena
It's a pitty we don't celebrate this day in Brazil. October 12th is Childrens' Day in Brazil!
I'm glad we are in touch to exchange information about our cultures and now I don't feel Russia is so far away anymore.

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