
Evelyn Waugh "Decline and Fall"

Evelyn Waugh "Decline and Fall"
Waugh - "the only first-rate comic genius
that has appeared in English since
Bernard Shaw.”

Literary critic Edmund Wilson


Reading the book with Group 301 and 303 (2012 - 2013)
Some of the most interesting comments by you, the students, will be posted here. The original text is preserved.

by Nastya Mironova
“ I couldn’t understand why God had made the world at all”. (E.W.)
To my mind this phrase is the most interesting and complicated at the same time. When Mr. Prendergast was a clergyman of the Church of England and was preparing for a pious and full life he began to have Doubts. He couldn’t answer this question as well as his bishop and his mother couldn’t.
I think, it’s a really good question. There is unjustice, violence, treachery and many other bad things in this world. Of course, there are some good things too, but as a rule, people who are guided by goodness live at the lower walks of life. Even Mr. Prendergast had to resign his living and become a poor teacher, when he realized that he was unable to answer such an - this important question, though his refusal was unwise from the practical point of view. Very often some unfair things happen and why God created the world as it is? It’s hard to understand. Only the strongest and fittest people survive. Maybe, without such a selection there won’t be any evolution and progress at all, but in this case there is another question: we all know that the fittest and strongest sometimes make very bad things and give up their principles to be on the top… So, shall we do everything to be there too or shall we save our souls and hands clean and clear.

by Karina Kuzovova
Dr Fagan: “We schoolmasters must temper discretion with deceit.
'No, sir, and very sorry I am to hear about it. I expect you'll be becoming a schoolmaster, sir. That's what most of the gentlemen does, sir, that gets sent down for indecent behavior.’
The author wants to show us that all teachers were not ideal, all of them had their offences and vices. But our society thought that teachers were deities and idols. Of course, nobody wanted to be disclosed. So, the only way out of the situation was not to tell the truth. But it’s strange, because a teacher arouses a lot of new feelings and ideas in a pupil, this is a man who is imitated. And I can’t understand, why they are so disgusting in this book. In conclusion I can say that the author wants to prove that full responsibility for the consequences rests with teachers. Because they are a connecting link between pupils and modern society. 
by Lena Kastruba

Mr Levy: “It’s wonderful what one can teach when one tries.”
Being full of sincere admiration and self-satisfaction this phrase not just shows us the degradation of values and morals of people who are to teach the growing future and hope of the society and to sow wisdom, the good, the eternal in their hearts and minds, but I think this phrase describes the society on the whole. The devastation and the ruin that prevailed in the minds, the wish to become richer and more prosperous prevails over the reason and desire for help but not for harm. By this little phrase the author shows us how far had man gone in its lust after pleasing himself.

And here are some your general impressions of the book "Decline abd Fall" after reading Prelude and Chapters 1-4-. It'll be interesting to compare your impressions when we finish reading the book:):)

by Karina
To tell the truth, I am at a loss that our World  is so vicious. And teachers are not ideal. 
by Ksenia
 I have to admit I was quite astonished because of how the story began.
 by Julia

To sum up I like this story but the beginning (prelude) was rather difficult and I didn’t want to read further to tell the truth, but the farther the better. 
 by Lera

In this story everything struck me...I was amused by the stories of Captain Grimes and Mr. Prendergast, especially the latter one. I cannot picture to myself how people can speak about such Doubts seriously. So I like the manner of writing of the author and I would like to know what will happen to Paul surrounded by all these strange people.
 by Lena

I have mixed feelings about this part of the novel. On the one hand, I`m completely impressed by the language and style of the author. As I’ve read one of his books before I think I can call his way of presentation of his sarcastic and ironical attitude to the society and the situation, the characters and the uncovering of their nature through the simple and common at the first glance actions or cues his special feature. But on the other hand the honesty and truthfulness of this presentation amuses. From this aspect the society is represented as an ugly, disgraceful and vicious group of not people but wolves who worry only about their profits and purses. A complete absurdity of its laws and rules drives the reader to despair and rage at the same time. At first you want to laugh but then you realize that it really can be the truth and it makes you feel not at ease.

 by Ann

What struck me most was the situation in the scholastic agency. The advertisement Mr Levy gave to Paul read that one thing was wanted, but even though Paul didn't possess many of the qualities needed he was accepted. 
 by Ira Afonina

I was much amused by that part: it seemed to me witty and ironical, every character has his own peculiarities, which is very funny and gives a vivid impression of that society. 

by Mary Blashenkova
I liked the beginning of the novel..Besides the auther’s humour attracts my attention... So to tell the truth I started to read the next chapter and waited for funny, unexpected moments.
by Alina

To be honest, now this book didn’t  impress me much. Paul, poor creature, unfortunate, one day was in a wrong tie...it's actually sad. ...Now, it is difficult to judge the novel. I will wait for the development of the situation in the following chapters.
by Sasha

I liked this part, it’s rather an interesting beginning of the novel and I’d like to know what is going to happen to the main character. In this part there are some amusing moments, but what struck me most of all in this part is injustice to Paul.

Reading the book with Group 301 and 303 (2006 - 2007)

Now that we have finished reading this book I would like to know you opinions: what you felt when reading the first pages, what you felt reading the end, what you think about his style of writing.
And also perhaps your comments on how to make the discussions more interesting. 

And here is a nice surprise!!!! A little poem which the students of Group 301 (2006 - 2007) composed last year!

Everyone who has read and discussed with us the book "Decline and Fall"  will recognise the phrases from it (that the students learnt btw!!:) ). I am leaving the text of the Poem as it is to preserve your, the Students', originality:

We used to lead too sheltered life
Like a millionaire’s wife

But on the third course without more ado
We were made a lot to do.

Under the influence of that book
We were pinned down like fish on the hook.

During that term on different pretexts
We tried to avoid reading this text.

But as it was “an infraction of law”
Our teacher got us into a row.

We were made to go whole hog
Like a strider in the fog.

This book has given us the hell
But we’re old hand at it, as well

We’re looking at life in the raw
And we’re all keen on Evelyn Waugh!!!!

And also look - this is what I found on a Website about translation blunders:
Evelyn Waugh was a man. -  Эвел Мо была мужиком.
(то, что имя переврано - это ладно, но заметьте: былА, но МУЖИКОМ)


16 комментариев:

XENA комментирует...

The poem is very original and funny:).
As far as my evaluation of the book is concerned, at first (I mean the first 2 portions) I hated it like hell, because it was SO hard to read and seemed like there was no development, everything seemed to be too static. But then something changed unexpectedly and I began to like this book - may be I changed, may be the plot became more dynamic, who knows! And now I must say that I like it for several reasons: first of all, I try to get as much as I can out of everything the world gives me, I use every chance to enrich my innate world, so I try not to criticize art, but find something for myself. I liked the description of English educational system - quite interesting; the language was very flourish, the phrases - very useful, and the plot itself, as well as the main idea and the main topic deserve something more than a satisfactory mark.

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XENA комментирует...

I would also like to comment on our Home Reading lessons: what I liked most were our creative works on the spot, such as situations and dialogues with the active vocabulary, I guess there should be more creative activities of that kind at such lessons. Our discussions of general problems would have been OK if they were not too long - a few phrases are enough :) All the other tasks were OK :)
And I also suppose that we would have enjoyed the book more, had we had the lessons each week (from the very beginning), because after long pauses we forgot everything - this book should be read in a shorter time period.

Elena Nikolaenko комментирует...

Hi Ksenia!

Thanks for your opinion about the home-reading classes!

You are absolutely right to say that one is to learn everything to enrich his inner world and if one does the work creatively he cannot but like it!

Home reading classes give a great opportunity to use various work forms (lack of time is a very bad thing!). In addition to reading a book we can see its screen adaptations if there are any, read and discuss the opinions of the critics etc.

"Imagination is everything." :)


Kate комментирует...

Finally I have enough time to comment on our Home reading. My comments won’t be so resplendent, as Xenia’s. I’m not against Evelyn Waugh, I’m not against `Decline and Fall`, but I’m against `Decline and Fall` by Waugh as Home reading, Now I’ll try to explain why.
The story is praiseworthy for it’s deep thoughts, deep and vivid main idea, the characters, depicted true-to life and eloquently, for it’s vocabulary. But` it’s a good book for Extra reading, for reading for individual pleasure, but not for special classes, when we are to read only several pages and try to scrutinize them. In such a case the story seems extremely boring, notorious if not more. In my opinion it should be such a book where the plot develops with every new chapter, it should be a `cliffhanger` if you like. But thiiiiiiiiiiiiis book was extremely hard too read. It wasn’t captivating. I’m proud of myself to be one of the great minority of our group who has read it till the end. There are only a few such students)
With all respect, Elena Michailovna, I read it only because I had to but not because it gave me pleasure. Though I’m grateful to you for my knowing this author. Perhaps in future I’ll try to read something by him.
By the way, I’ve commented the choice of the book but not the whole classes. Thank you for having given us a chance to talk on the spot, though I didn’t like the points for discussion))) But in any case nowadays every extra opportunity to talk for us is very essential

Elena Nikolaenko комментирует...

Dear Kate!

Thank you for the opinion.

You know your not quite liking the book for Home Reading is understandable, I know the opinions of those with whom we read it - let's say so, one part likes the book, the other - not. It is always difficult to find smth to everybody's taste...
But you are right, I really wanted you to get to know the works by E.Waugh because any language student IS to know them. I for one is not the one who is carried away by social satire but don't you think we are to know what happens in the world of literature?! :)

And also thanks for the point about discussions - really, to get the students have "excited minds", try to do some critical thinking are very important things!

Elena N.

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Step 3 by Abdulaeva Luiza
Chapters 8 - 10
1.Was Mr Prendergast right that “Dr Fagan encourages a certain amount of display” on festive occasions? Prove your point of view.
1)Dr. Fagan encouraged a certain amount of display on festive occasions, because he allowed what was forbidden in ordinary days - everyone dressed up to the nines.
He was filled with a wholly delightful exhilaration in spite of the fact that the previous events were unfortunate, he hoped that Paul would bring luck.
4.What did Dr Fagan trace all the disasters of English history to?
What words did he use? What kind of tendency was that?
4) Dr. Fagan traced all the disasters of English History to the influence of Wales. He gave some examples such as Edward of Caernarvon, who lived perversely and died unseemly, then the Tudors and the dissolution of the Church, Lloyd George, the temperance movement, Nonconformity.
He told about these people with disgust that they are unclean people. Blood relations is the norm for them, so they had no moral principles. They have no kind of art except singing. Also he used such words as ‘deceitful’, ‘depraved’, ‘falsehood’, ‘indulgence’, ‘perverse’, ‘unseemly ‘ towards them. So he evidently expressed his hostility.
5.Characterize Lady Circumference and her husband. What was peculiar about their speech and deeds? Write down the examples from the text.
5) Lady Circumference was a stout elderly woman dressed in a tweed coat and skirt. She had a deep bass voice. She was rather unmannerly because the first thing she said to the Doctor was ‘we are both pretty long in the tooth’. She talked rudely and coldly, using such words as ‘a fool of a boy’, ‘my toad of a son’, ‘dunderhead’, ‘the little toad’. She was unceremonious, pointing out that the grass was shocking bad and the drive was awful wet, and asking about the head man’s pay. She was sure that only she was right and ‘she didn’t believe a word of it’.
Lord Circumference had a long fair moustache and large watery eyes. He hadn’t any point of view, that’s why he constantly asked Paul ‘do you think? Do you think so? Do you really and truly think so?’ and agreed with everything.
Both of them were proud of their money and tried to ask Paul about his group mates only from influential families

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Decline and Fall, Step 3

1. Was Mr Prendergast right that "Dr Fagan encourages a certain amount of display" on festive occasions?

I think that Mr Prendergast was right saying that Dr Fagan encouraged a certain amount of display on festive occasions. It can be proved by a number of examples from the text. For example, he wanted to buy Mr Prendergast a new tie which would be impossible in other circumstances. Besides, Dr Fagan agreed to pay the Silver Band more than he would have paid them if it hadn`t been for the sports.

4. What did Dr Fagan trace all the disasters of English history to?
Dr Fagan thought that all the disasters of English history could be traced to the influence of Wales. In his opinion, the Welsh had nothing short of their music played with wind instruments. Dr Fagan applies the phrase "perverse life" to the first Prince of Wales which shows Fagan`s low opinion of the Welsh; he also said that what the Welsh had brought to England was "wasting and ravaging". Another example of Fagan`s dislike towards the Welsh can be found on page 81: "They just sing, - he said with disgust..."

5. Lady Circumference and her husband

Lady Circumference had a deep bass voice which characterizes her as a harsh woman. Besides she was strong for "gave Dr Fagan a hearty shake of the hand which obviously caused him acute pain. Mrs Circumference considered her son stupid, called him "my toad of a son", "a dunderhead". Besides, Lady Circumference can be characterized as somewhat rude and imperious because she cut short Flossie saying that her calceolarias had done last year.
As for Lord Circumference, he was weak and pitiful at which fact the mention of large watery eyes and a comparison to Mr Prendergast hint. Describing Lord Circumference, the author uses the word "meekly" which also characterizes him as a man who couldn`t argue with his wife and only followed her everywhere. Lord Circumference`s phrase "I knew that was going to happen" characterizes him as a man who always anticipated something bad to take place.

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Decline and Fall, Step 3

1. I agree that Dr Fagan encouraged a certain amount of display on the day of the sports. It can be proved by the fact that though spirits were not meant for school masters, nobody cared that Mr Prendergast had drunk too much and was as tight as a lord. Besides, the fact that everybody were allowed to wear what they wanted on that day also proves this statement.

4. As a matter of fact, Dr Fagan considered Wales to be guilty of all the disasters of English history. Dr Fagan spoke with disgust about the rulers of Wales who had led perverse lives and brought England just wasting and ravaging. According to Dr Fagan, the Welsh had invented no art, literature or sculpture, they only had their wind instruments to play music with.

6. After having read chapters 8-10, I managed to pick out some typical characteristics of Lady Circumference and her husband. Lady C. was a rude and imperious woman, with a deep bass voice; she like to argue which can be seen from the episode of the discussion of who won the race.
As for Lord Circumference, he can be said to be meek and soft, he produces a piteous impression on the reader, especially at the mention of his watery eyes. Lord Circumference had not opinion of his own as he constantly wanted Paul`s approval of this or that.

victoria комментирует...

Decline and Fall, Step 3

1. In my opinion it`s true that Dr Fagan encouraged a certain amount of display on festive occasions. To prove it there are several examples in the text. First, Fagan was determined to buy Mr Prendergast a new tie which seemed on an ordinary day. Besides, Mr Prendergast wasn`t even properly punished for having hurt Tangent; and the people were allowed to drink spirits as much as they pleased for Prendergast was "as tight as a lord".

4. Dr Fagan accused Wales of all the disasters that had happened to the English. In Dr Fagan`s opinion the rulers of Wales had led "a perverse life", marched through the English land "hand in hand wasting and ravaging". Fagan spoke about the Welsh with disgust, he said that the Welsh had produced no art, architecture or drama, they just sang. He also thought that the Welsh couldn`t discern the consequences of their indulgence and on the whole, Fagan was of a very low opinion about Wales.

5. Lady Circumference was harsh and rude, she didn`t let people speak freely ( for example, she cut Flossie short). Lady Circumference was quite imperious, she always tried to have her say, inserted shorted remarks into the conversation ("Fiddlesticks!", "Potts!", "Shocking noise!"). As for the appearance of Lady Circumference, she was a stout woman with a deep bass voice. She can even be said to be obstinate and deaf to facts for she claimed that Clutterbuck hadn`t won the race because she simply didn`t like to admit the fact wanting her own son to be admitted the winner.
Lord Circumference is described in the text as a man with large watery eyes, making meek remarks; we understand at once that the Lord was under a total control on the side of his wife. He tried to make the conflict subside ( for example, Lord Circumference suggested the company`s abiding by the referee`s decision) which characterizes him as a soft man who was afraid of his wife and couldn`t say to his wife that she was wrong but tried to avoid a conflict with her by all means.

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Nastia Ukhanova комментирует...

1) Undoubtedly Mr. Prendergast was right, saying that Dr Fagan encouraged a certain amount of display on festive occasions. It was really so. Dr. Fagan paid his attention to too slight things. We can prove it by the majority examples from the text. For example he thought about decoration, fireworks, refreshment and even about Mr. Prendergast’s tie. Besides, Dr. Fagan thought out his image, but he missed the most important things (how to conduct a competition, where the teachers must take inventory and etc). Dr. Fagan shifted the responsibility for the competition onto Paul. It was an irresponsible action, because Paul was a beginner and did not know all the nuances of the life in the school. In spite of Dr Fagan’s previous failures he did not draw conclusions. And as usual everything was for the worst.
4) So, Dr. Fagan traced all the disasters of English history to the influence of Wales. According to Dr. Fagan’s words the Welsh is the only nation in the world that has produced nothing. They just sing. He said it with contempt. Dr. Fagan confirmed his point of view by fact from English history and gave examples of some historical persons. The first is Edward of Caernarvon, the first Prince of Wales. He led a perverse way of life and died unseemly. Then The Tudors and the dissolution of the Church.
From all has been said it follows that Dr. Fagan felt national animosity toward the Welsh. He said that for them incest was a norm. We see his dislike from the vocabulary he used. For example «perverse», «unseemly», «deceitful», «indulgence», «dissolution».
5) The author uses direct and indirect methods to describe Lady Circumference. We get to know that she was a stout woman dressed in a tweed coat and skirt. She spoke in a deep bass voice. She was a woman of power and obviously she was used accustomed to give orders to her husband. Besides she was a strong woman, we can understand it from the moment when she gave Dr. Fagan a hearty shake of the hand, that caused him pain. Lady Circumference’ speech was rood. She used some phrases like: dunderhead, fool of a boy. We can observe her ability to fan a dispute in unfitting atmosphere (the case with Mr. Clutterbuck). Also she liked to interrupt someone and correct. It showed her bad manners.
Lord Circumference had a long fair moustache and large watery eyes, which reminded of Mr. Prendergast. He was not sure of himself. He constantly changed his point of view under the influence of someone (Paul, his wife, Dr. Fagan). He was meek and week. He could not contradict his wife. He always agreed with her even when their opinions were different.
But was the thing that united the wife and the husband is love to money and useful acquaintance.

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Decline and Fall
Step 3
Chapters 8 – 10
Vladimir Kochubey
1. I consider Mrs. Prendergast was right that Dr. Fagan encouraged a certain amount of display on festive occasions. And there’re some proves of it in the text. For example, he allowed everyone to wear that clothes which they wanted and was very extravagant, when he paid the Silver Band, and, of course, he drank a lot of alcohol.
4. Dr. Fagan blamed all the disasters of English history to the influence of Wales. He considered that Wales was uneducated country without any kind of art, the citizens were unclean people, blood relations were usual for them, because they had no any moral principle, and the heads of Wales led a perverse life, and all the Welsh could bring to England was wasting and ravaging.
5. Lady Circumference was an old powerful woman, always wearing in a tweed coat and skirt and she had a deep bass voice, and she was always talking with no emotion.
Lord Circumference had a long fair moustache and large watery eyes. He was very soft and had no his own opinion, and that is why he was afraid of Mrs. C.

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