
Washington Irving. "The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow" and "Little Britain"

Washington Irving

Now we tried our hands at reading "The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow" and "Little Britain".
What are your impressions?
Would you now like to go on reading any other books by him?


6 комментариев:

Elena Nikolaenko комментирует...

This is a Comment by Olga Rubel

Well,to tell the truth i wasn't impressed either be "The Legend of a Sleepy Hollow" or by "Little Britain".First of all
because the language is TOO difficult for me-so many "unknown and unpronouncable"words!!!Besides the plot of "The
Legend..." is so involved...Also the ending didn't impress.As it is known in fairy-tales the Good wins, but in "The
Legend..." it's not so, maybe i misunderstood. But nevertheless i liked our home-reading
classes and esp. making tasks,first of all learning and presenting passages...rather funny!!!

Elena Nikolaenko комментирует...

from Nastya Zubareva

Personally, I liked «The Sleepy Hollow". I liked the language and the
author's style either, because I could see what I was reading about! I
could feel the smells of the rustic life; I could picture to myself the
gorgeous nature! Besides the author's sense of humour and his ability to
make the reader feel his bitter irony and subtle humour! But I can't say
the same about "Little Britain». Though the stories are a bit alike, I
didn’t like the plot. Too dull from my point of view. To sum it up I am
sure that his works are really worth reading.

Unknown комментирует...

from Evgenia Artyomova

Well, just now it's difficult to say what my impressions are because we haven't read "The Legend..." up to the end. But that's even better - later I will say whether my opinion's changed or not.
But now I can only say that I liked enormously the language of "The Legend..." and its colourful descriptions of nature and ironical remarks of the author. And this atmosphere of some mystery which is not clear yet... I hope I won't be disappointed later!

Ira комментирует...
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Ira комментирует...

You know,I liked this story.I appreciate it for all the advantages the girls have mentioned.But what deserves my appraisement most of all is the notion of mystery.The combination of it with reality here makes me admire this story.Really,the idea is a simple one I think, and without a shade of mystery it will be...just a common story.And to tell you the truth I expected it to be more complex and incomprehensible.But the ending I think is really unexpected. I think there is hardly any person who didn`t smile reading it ;)

Ira комментирует...

That was from Irene Kubatina :)

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