Louise Goodman - 'What is the future of Business English training?' |
The webinar came up to my expectations! The host was great and very knowlegeable. The speaker managed her time perfectly, and the good thing was that she dwelled on the issues for about 35 minutes and the rest of the time (25 min) was devoted to discussion during which very many useful ideas were shared. That is a really worthy format because discussion IS important.
I teach BE to MA students majoring in English as a part of their academic English program, and I have not worked with businesses I mean courses for corporate clients, etc however, all said by the speaker can be used by the ESL teacher both for teaching BE in the university and business environments. The speaker delineated which topics clients tend to find most useful for them in their BE course, pointed out the peculiarities of some approaches of teaching BE and the general idea was that a BE teacher now is not a trainer but rather a coacher, this was discussed, and my recent participatin in the Coaching and Emotional Intelligence webinar from British Council happened to be quite helpful. So, participating in chains of webinars seems to be very useful as some problems are related to others and provide better understanding of one another....
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