

February 17 2009 (Tue)

Belova Oksana (gr.303)

Everybody of us makes a lot of mistakes during his life. It’s impossible to live without doing stupidities and making mistakes…Some of them are very silly. After a fall a man should stand up and move to his aims, not lose heart. It’s important not to allow anybody to break you and your life…
Seeing the film «The Graduate», I found how the main character, a shy and hesitating guy turned into a strong personality, fighting for his woman and happiness. Delicate humour left a deep impression on me, I remembered the «luggage» of Benjamin – his toothbrush and the dialogue with his father:

- I just want to say one word to you.
- Yes, sir.
- Are you listening?
- Yes, I’m.
- Plastics.
- Exactly, how do you mean?
- There’s a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it?
- Yes, I will…

The music in this movie is wonderful. Most if all I liked the melody «Sounds of silence». I was even humming it during the whole evening after we had watched the film.
The key actor Dustin Hoffman starred in his role; it’s a powerful picture, an amusing and delightful comedy.
The movie was fairly nominated for a total of seven Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Best Actor ( Dustin Hoffman), Best Actress ( Anne Bancroft).
The producer’s work is enormous. He put his soul in the movie, the mixture of colourful costumes, delicate humour and a wonderful music and, of course, a cast of gifted actors and actresses have helped to create a real masterpiece.

I think «The Graduate» is a hit with the public nowadays, because the problem of man’s happiness and love WAS, IS and WILL be always actual.

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